Measures to play golf during the Coronavirus in Spain
A committee of technicians from the Institute for Spanish Tourist Quality, in collaboration with the main Golf Federations and Associations, have prepared a document with the main recommendations and guidelines for the reopening and safe practice of Golf. Golf has the advantages of being an open-air sport, without physical contact and in which respecting social distance was already common practice. However, the fast and strong transmission of COVID-19 makes have to take measure to avoid possible contagion. The 22-page manual contains guidelines for players, clubs and courses. As players, some of the measures to be taken to play golf again are Respect the safety distance in all indoor and outdoor areas and, if this is not possible, use personal protective equipment recommended by the health authorities (masks). Matches must be for 4 people and must be played directly on the tee of hole 1, five minutes before the start. During the game: – The safety distance must be maintained throughout the course. – Bunkers must be repaired by the player without the use of rakes. – Fountains, benches, etc. cannot be used and must remain closed. – To clean the balls, each player must carry in his equipment spray to wash the ball, a brush to remove any dirt and a cloth to dry the ball. – The flags on the holes must always remain in place and cannot be removed or touched. – The holes must have a stop that prevents the ball from going down completely at the end of the hole. – The player must pick up the ball with caution. It is recommended to use an accessory to pick up the ball from the hole. Regarding the facilities, the dressing rooms must remain closed, so it is advisable to go there already changed. As for the toilets, their use will be limited to 1 person at a time. The use of buggies is allowed, but they can be used by individuals or families and must be disinfected by the Club staff before and after each use. You can consult the complete document by clicking here.
23 July 2020