All prices for products are inclusive of legally applicable VAT, the price shown is the final price.
Payment methods
You can pay by PayPal, Sofort, Visa, Mastercard or Amex.
Currently we only accept orders from EU countries, if you want to place an order from other country please contact with info[at] .

Shipping costs are include for EU countries.

Orders are generally delivered within 2-5 business days. We work with Correos Paq Premiun (Paq 48) and FedEx (International Priority Services) depending on where you live.
MIKADI offers a Legal Guarantee (2 years) with all their products. The warranty period starts at the time when a user makes the original purchase of the product. The guarantee does not cover normal wear or damage caused by inappropriate use.

If you have any incidence you can contact us at customerservice[at] .